Sunday, January 8, 2012

Caricature 16/500: Columbo

For today's caricature I chose an iconic figure. I think you could put a stick man in a raincoat scratching his head and you would know who it is.

Peter Faulk as Columbo was one of my favorite shows growing up, and thanks to Nexflix we still have "Columbo Night" in our house whenever a new DVD shows up.

There isn't really a lot to pick from to exaggerate on the face other than his glass eye which never seemed to quite look in the right direction, the '70s haircut and his perpetual (fake) confused expression.

This was an average one to put together timewise but has more detail than a couple of recent ones. It is recognizable because of the props but to me it looks a little more like Mozart with a headache.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i think this is really good...and you nailed it