Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Caricature 27-28/500: Magnum pi Part 3, TC

My first attempt
So I am finally back on track with the Magnum pi Series. I tried this one weeks ago but just wasn't happy with it so I tried it again and still wasn't happy with it. Then I decided if I was ever going to finish this I should lean on props a little to make him more recognizable.

I am talking about Theodore Calvin, AKA TC, Magnum's buddy and helicopter pilot played by Roger E. Mosley.

My first drawing is ok but still too detailed. I need to capture likeness in far fewer pencil strokes to keep it a bit cartoonish. The version I ended up going with is far simpler. While the person itself doesn't look as much like TC, once you get all the props in there is it pretty unmistakable, especially once I lump him into a scene with the other players.

The final version uses digital coloring. I thought it would be neat to show you a few of the steps it takes to get to that point so here goes...

Here is the initial sketch I made.
I inked the sketch with special markers.
I'm not quite ready for quill pens yet.
Next I scanned the drawing into Photoshop,
turned the line art into a layer and painted
a layer of base color under the line art layer.
Here is the drawing with all
of the base colors painted in.

Here I added multiple layers of
shading and highlighting in various
levels of opacity. My 15 years of
Photoshop experience is coming in handy.

Here is the body sketch I made. I want to have TC
leaning out of his helicopter so I drew him at an angle
and holding the flying yoke. The right arm will not be
seen so I didn't bother drawing it.
Here is the final after adding all the layers
as shown in the face pictures above.
I also added a headset which was drawn
in Photoshop with the Wacom tablet.

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