Saturday, December 31, 2011

Caricature 8/500: Brick

Caricature is about noticing the subtle differences and unique characteristics that an individual has and exaggerating them. As a beginner, I like to pick faces that have easily noticeable features. At this stage I have to be able to look at a face and immediately see its uniqueness. That's why I haven't done any females or children yet. Kids often look alike unless they are really unusual and women require you to be very minimal with your line work or it will over-age your subject. Plus they wear makeup to accentuate their eyes, lips and cheeks and you have to work all that into the equation.

Today I reveal my first kid caricature. I drew this one of Brick from the tv show The Middle. He's the funny little kid that reads books all day and whispers to himself, played by Atticus Shaffer.

I emphasized his slitlike eyes and big low hanging ears on this drawing. He also has a thin, somewhat crooked smile. This is the first caricature I have made with a body on it. I basically just drew a generic type kid's body and added a backpack with a bunch of books on fonts (Brick's favorite subject) to add to the recognizability.

I think it looks ok but the real Brick has a unique body as well that I didn't really take advantage of. Sometimes he appears to have almost no neck at all as if his head is set right on his shoulders. Also, his high shoulders make him look like a marionette hanging from strings. Next time I do Brick I will try to take advantage of those observations.

This one finally came together with a lot less erasing so maybe I am finally getting the hang of sizes and proportions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1 and 8 are pretty good I think. These aren't so bad. Just inconsistent.