Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Caricature 3/500: Joe Man

I was watching Criminal Minds the other day and immediately noticed how interesting Joe Mantegna's face looks. He has kind of a droopy right eye and his mouth is very crooked. He also has a raised left eyebrow and a thick goatee beard.

This one is pretty recognizable but I'm not really caricaturing much on it. I think I am trying so hard to make it look like the person that I don't want to exaggerate too much and blow it. It is amazing how quick you can go from "That's him" to "That looks nothing like him". Just a couple of lines in the wrong place can change everything so I am treading very lightly.

I think as I get more confident in drawing I will be able to blow stuff up but it is taking me so long right now just to make it look like the person that I don't want to ruin it. I am still spending a couple hours erasing and starting over on these drawings, particularly the eyes. I may have 497 more caricatures to go but I feel like I have already drawn and erased 5000 eyes.

At least I didn't go overboard on the detail with this one. It has a bit of a cartoonish look. So there you have #3 in the series.

Note: According to experts, a beginner can expect to draw 500 poor caricatures before getting the hang of it so I am documenting my progress during the first 500.

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